Restructure your CTA with this simple technique and more than double your conversion rate.
Get ready. You’re about to discover a simple to use scientifically grounded technique that has increased conversions by 40% to as much as 125% percent.
It’s not about button color, shape or size. It’s not about adding extra pieces of persuasive information. It’s not about clever page design. It’s simply restructuring the way people can accept or decline your call to action.
Say Yes To The ‘No’ Button.
In recent years, the topic of response formats in persuasive design has captured the attention of research in the neural and behavioral sciences. More specifically, researchers investigated whether the standard opt-in format (“Download ebook now”) could be beaten by a forced choice structure consisting of both a yes (“Yes, I want this ebook”) and a no (“No, I don’t want this ebook”) option.
A nice pile of scientific studies – and even more online A/B tests – affirms that this clever format often does a better job at getting clicks and conversions. Conversion rates have more than doubled by simply splitting up a single call to action into two options. The technique is especially useful when a call to action refers to a single action that can be taken directly, such as downloading an ebook, subscribing to a newsletter, enrolling for a course or ordering a product.